Warehouse Native
ID Resolution

The identity challenge

A common problem in experimentation is trying to connect different user identifiers before or after some event boundary, most frequently signups.

In these scenarios, the experimenter will have a logged-out identifier (e.g. a cookie or a Statsig StableID) as well as - for those who do sign up - a userID generated after the user signs up.

Because business metrics are generally calculated at the grain of userID, it's common to want to run an experiment where the unit of analysis is a logged out identifier, but the evaluation criteria for the experiment is a logged-in metric (e.g. subscription rate, or estimated Lifetime Value).

Many people handle this probably in an ad-hoc way. Usually, this means running ad-hoc queries to join and deduplicate exposures, or tagging userID metrics with an associated logged-out identifier. Statsig Warehouse Native offers an easy solution for connecting identifiers across this boundary in a centralized and reproducible way.

Supported Mapping Schema

Today, we support 1:1 mapping, meaning that we can map the user's identity at the point of assignment to downstream metrics sources using a single, secondary identity.

For us to join assignment data to metric sources that contain a different identity, your Entity Source or Assignment Source must provide a mapping from assignment source identity to metric source identity. The constraint here, is that it's a single identity used for joining, so all metric sources must contain that same identity.

Example of a supported schema

if your assignment source data contains:
{stableID: 'unknown_123', exp_id: 'PDP Test', test_group: 'Control'}

and your metric sources contain data that represents a metric as:
{userID: 'known_abc', event: 'page_load'}

Your Entity Source or Assignment source must contain the secondary identity (in this case, userID) that will enable Statsig to join your assignment data with your metric data:
{stableID: 'unknown_123', userID: 'known_abc', country: 'USA'}

:::info We are interested in supporting more complex 1-to-many relationships of identities, where a user can be represented with several different identities across your metric sources. We are eager to partner with customers to develop these capabilities if this more advanced use-case is required. :::

How it Works

Setting up identity resolution in Statsig is very simple. You can either log or join data to provide both IDs on your assignment source, or provide one ID in the assignment source along with a mapping table between the IDs in the form of an Entity Property Source.

Using a Property Source

To use Identity Resolution across experiments in your project, you will need a lookup table that has both the ID you are exposing on and the selected targeted ID. This table can be configured by setting up an Entity Property Source with both IDs present.

Once that's done, you can simply select this source when configuring your secondary ID type, and Statsig handles the join for you.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 10 31 04 AM

If you want to use a Statsig SDK to populate this table, you can log an event (like a "Signup" event that has both the logged-out identifier and the user ID on the same event. Events sent via the Statsig SDK are written into your warehouse - and you can configure an Identity Resolution source on top of that using something like this - image

Using An Assignment Source

When creating an assignment source, provide a column for both ID types. It is assumed that your 'Primary ID' will be non-null for exposure records. Your secondary ID can be null. If your secondary ID is sparse (some records are null, and some are not due to logging), Statsig will back-attribute any identified secondary ID to other records from the same Primary ID.

ID Resolution Assignment Source

When you create an analysis-only experiment or power analysis with this ID type, you can optionally select a Secondary ID. If you do so, you can now use metrics from either ID type in your analysis. For E2E experiments that use the Statsig SDK, this is configurable on the experiment setup page, under Advanced settings.

Behind the scenes, Statsig will:

  • Deduplicate records with multiple mappings to ensure a 1:1 mapping to your experiment's unit of analysis
  • For metric sources with the primary ID, metrics will be joined to exposures based on that ID
  • For metric sources with only the secondary ID, metric will be joined to exposures based on that Secondary ID

This works natively across Metric Sources, so you can easily set up funnel or ratio metrics across the two ID types.


Deduplicating records can lead to biased results, so Statsig preforms two extra health checks on this kind of experiment.

  • Statsig will check your deduplication rate and warn you if it is unusually high. It's expected that some secondary IDs will have multiple logged-out IDs due to users using different devices or clearing browser history
  • Statsig will perform a chi-squared test evaluating if the deduplication rate is identical across arms of the experiment. In some cases, an experiment may cause more users to come back (for example an email resurrection campaign), in which case duplicates are expected to be more frequent in that arm and can be a positive outcome. In this case, you can perform first-touch attribution to maintain a common identifier