Data Imports (Deprecated)
Redshift (Deprecated)

Note: this solution is still functional, but can be manual and time consuming to set up with minimal error handling. We encourage you to check out the Data Warehouse Ingestion solution instead.


There are 2 ways to integrate with Redshift: using a data connector, or ingesting events and metrics to Statsig through S3.

Using a Data Connector

To ingest events from Redshift, you can use our Census integration.

To export events to Redshift, you can use our Fivetran integration.

Direct Ingestion

S3 imports are currently a custom setup flow. You'll need to reach out to Statsig through Slack or through your support PoC in order to set up this integration. The documentation below describes the steps to set up this integration. There are 3 main steps:

  1. Create a pipeline to write your metric, event, and (optionally) signal data to an S3 bucket in parquet format

  2. Create an IAM user with read and list access on that bucket and send that user's Key/Secret to Statsig. We will securely store these in a keystore service

  3. Schedule ingestion through a signals dataset or through the mark_data_ready API

Set up a data pipeline to S3

Filesystem Format

We will expect data in your S3 bucket to be saved in parquet format.

To allow for daily uploads, please set up your bucket with the following folders:

  • events/ for events data
  • metrics/ for metrics data
  • signals/ for signal flags when you've finished uploading data for a day. You can omit this folder and instead use the mark_data_ready API instead, but you must use one or the other

We recommend writing folders by date partitions for ease of debugging, i.e. storing day's data in folders with ISO-formatted names (YYYY-MM-DD).

Data Format

Please make sure your data conforms to the following schemas.

timestampUNIX timestamp of the eventUTC timestamp
event_nameThe name of the eventString under 128 characters, using _ for spaces
event_valueA string representing the value of a current event. Can represent a 'dimension' or a 'value'Read as string format; numeric values will be converted into value
event_metadataA dictionary<string, string> in the form of a JSON string, containing named metadata for the eventString format
userA JSON object representing the user this event was logged for; see belowEscaped JSON string including the keys 'custom' and 'customIDs'. A userID or customID must be provided.
timeuuidA unique UUID or timeUUID used for deduping. If omitted, will be generated but will not be effective for dedupingUUID format

Please refer to docs for the Statsig User Object (opens in a new tab) for available fields. An example would look like:

  userID: "12345",
  customIDs: {
    stableID: "<device_id_here>",
  email: "",
  userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.40 Safari/537.36",
  ip: "",
  country: "US",
  locale: "en_US",
  appVersion: "1.0.1",
  systemName: "Android",
  systemVersion: "15.4",
  browserName: "Chrome",
  browserVersion: "45.0",
  custom: {
    new_user: "false",
    age: "22"

Make sure to include all of metric_value, numerator, and denominator, writing cast(null as double) for numerator and denominator if you are omitting them (or conversely for metric_value if sending numerator/denominator).

unit_idThe unique user identifier this metric is for. This might not necessarily be a user_id - it could be a custom_id of some kindString format. Make sure this is in the same format as your logged unit_ids
id_typeThe id_type the unit_id represents.String format. Must be a valid id_type. The default Statsig types are user_id/stable_id, but you may have generated custom id_types. Make sure this matches (case sensitive) a customID in your project, or you won't get experiment results
dateDate of the daily metricRead as string format; can be written as ISO date. Statsig's dates are calculated in PST - we'll load custom metrics to whatever date you use here
metric_nameThe name of the metricString format. Not null. Length < 128 characters
metric_valueA numeric value for the metricDouble format. Metric value, or both of numerator/denominator need to be provided for Statsig to process the metric. See details below
numeratorNumerator for metric calculationDouble format. Required for ratio metrics. If present along with a denominator in any record, the metric will be treated as ratio and only calculated for users with non-null denominators
denominatorDenominator for metric calculationDouble format. See above

Set up and Provide Credentials

  • Navigate to your IAM console on AWS
  • Go to Users->Add User
  • Select the Access key - Programmatic access credential type
  • Attach an appropriate policy which gives Read and List access to the appropriate bucket. Make sure this is scoped appropriately so the user only has access to the data intended! Example policy:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "<BUCKET_ARN>"

Next, modify your bucket access policy (under permissions on your S3 bucket's page) to allows this user to access objects. Example policy:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "<IAM_ARN>"
			"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
			"Resource": "<BUCKET_ARN>"
			"Sid": "statement2",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "<IAM_ARN>"
			"Action": "s3:GetObject",
			"Resource": "<BUCKET_ARN>/*"

You can confirm your credentials are sufficient by adding any data to your metrics folder and running the following code in PySpark with the IAM user credentials:

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", '<IAM_USER_ACCESS_KEY>')
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", '<IAM_USER_SECRET>')"s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/metrics/*",inferSchema=True).show()


Because you may be streaming events to your tables or have multiple ETLs pointing to your metrics table, Statsig relies on you signalling that your metric/events for a given day are done.

To do this, write a dataset with the single column finished_date, which contains all dates of data which have been written to Statsig. For example, once you have written data for 2022-06-22 you would insert a record with finished_date of 2022-06-22 to trigger ingestion of data from up to and including 2022-06-22.

Unlike some other integrations like Snowflake, for S3 Statsig will skip dates; if your latest finished date is 2022-06-22 and you insert 2022-07-01, we will ingest all data as of 2022-07-01 and infer that data for dates between (e.g. 2022-06-25) is loaded.

Alternatively, you can use the mark_data_ready API and send a timestamp for which the data previous to that timestamp has finished loading into S3.

Note that, for events, Statsig processes days according to PST. When you mark data ready for '2022-06-20', statsig will process events from 2022-06-20T00:00 PST to 2022-06-20T23:59.... PST. Keep this in mind when scheduling your signals!