Managing Gates With Terraform

You can create a .tf file (Terraform File) to configure your Statsig feature gates. All features of console/v1/gates (opens in a new tab) are supported. The layout is very similar to the JSON body of a /gates request.

Requiring the Statsig provider. (You will need to change the version).

terraform {
  required_providers {
    statsig = {
      version = "x.x.x"
      source  = "statsig-io/statsig"

Basic Example

Creating a basic gate resource

resource "statsig_gate" "my_gate" {
  name        = "my_gate"
  description = "A short description of what this Gate is used for."
  is_enabled  = true
  id_type     = "userID"
  rules {
    name            = "Public"
    pass_percentage = 100
    conditions {
      type = "public"


All Console API conditions are supported but the syntax needs a little tweaking.

  • type | string | The type (opens in a new tab) of condition it is.
  • operator | string | What form of evaluation should be run against the target_value.
  • target_value | [string] | The value or values you wish to evaluate. Note: This must be an array, and elements should be of string type. (You can put quotes on numbers. 31 -> "31")
  • field | string | Only for custom_field condition type. The name of the field you wish to pull for evaluation from the "custom" object on a user.
conditions {
  type         = "custom_field"
  target_value = ["31"]
  operator     = "gt"
  field        = "age"

See the full list of conditions here (opens in a new tab).

A full gate example is included in the open source Github repo (opens in a new tab)