Walkthrough Guides
Advanced Guides
Target Segments

User Segments allow you to predefine targeting groups for re-use in Feature Gates and Dynamic Configs. Think of it as a reusable macro for a set of users. Need an easy way to roll things out to just your team/org/company? Create a segment, and use a "User is in Segment" or "User is not in Segment" condition in a Feature Gate or Dynamic Config. Let's go through an example. This guide will walk through creating an example segment to identify our internal users, and then using that segment in a new feature we are building.

Step 1: Creating a Segment

Start by navigating to the "Segments" tab in the console:

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Then click "Create New." Lets call it "Internal Stakeholders:"

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There are two types of segments:

  • "Conditional Segments" which operate on a similar set of conditions as Feature Gates and Dynamic Configs
  • ID Lists, which allow you to predetermine larger lists of userIDs or a particular customID to pass the segment.

For now, lets create a conditional segment, and click "Create."

We will start by adding a condition to target people on our internal environments:

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Notice that unlike a Feature Gate, you cannot configure the pass percentage for a rule. Segments are meant to represent all of the users matching a certain set of rules, but when you create a Feature Gate rule based on a segment, you can configure the pass percentage there. We will get there in a moment.

Next, lets add another condition to that same rule. Click "Add more conditions", and then use an "email" "contains any of" condition to target internal employees:

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:::info NOTE: Adding an additional condition to the same rule enforces that both pass - the conditions are ANDed together. If you wish to create multiple conditions where any of them can pass, you can create an OR by adding a new rule. :::

Don't forget to "Save Changes" after adding those! Your Segment should look like this:

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Step 2: Using a segment

Now, lets make a gate for our new feature, "Landing Page Redesign". Navigate to "Feature Gates" and click "Create New"

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Since this feature isn't ready for the public, lets gate it to our internal stakeholders using the Segment we just created.

Click "Add New Rule"

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Again, remember to "Save Changes"

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Step 3: Test it!

Fill in the test gate console with any random user input. You won't be able to get this gate to pass until you pass in a user with an email ending in statsig.com or statsig.io AND a development or staging environment like this. If you remove either of those, you should see it fail.

  email: 'tore@statsig.com',
  statsigEnvironment: {
    tier: "development"

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There you have it! You can reuse this Segment in as many Feature Gates or Dynamic Configs as you want to gate your internal features while they are under development.