Warehouse Native
Semantic Layer Sync

If you have centrally defined metrics, Statsig offers the ability to sync its data sources and metrics as part of your data version management workflow. Using Statsig's Console API (opens in a new tab) you can automatically sync changes you make to the matching definitions on Statsig, and you can optionally make the metrics read-only in the Statsig console.

We have a demonstration GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) that utilizes a script (opens in a new tab) executed by a GitHub Action (opens in a new tab). This setup automatically synchronizes changes to .yml files located in the /metrics or /metric_sources directories in the repo. This means that whenever you create or update these files, the script either updates existing metrics or metric sources in Statsig or creates new ones accordingly.

To use this example template, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository (opens in a new tab) to get started.
  2. In your forked repository, add your Statsig Console API Key to GitHub Secrets.
  3. Tailor the metric definitions to align with your data needs.
  4. Verify the automation by modifying relevant files and observing the triggered GitHub Action.

Detailed Guide

Forking the Repository

  1. Fork this repository to create a copy in your GitHub account. Untitled

Adding the Statsig Console API Key

  1. Navigate to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions in your repository settings. Create a new secret named STATSIG_API_KEY with your Statsig Console API key as its value. This key facilitates authentication with the Statsig Console API for the synchronization process. Untitled

Customizing Metric Definitions

  1. Metric definitions reside within the ./metrics directory, and metric source definitions are found in the ./metric_sources/ directory. To customize:

Note: For enhanced readability, we modified metric.warehouseNative[] to metric.metricDefinition[] in our examples. You can see this change here (opens in a new tab). Feel free to adjust the translations or revert to using metric.warehouseNative[] in your definitions.

Verifying Automation

  1. To test, edit a metric or metric source description in your repository. This action should trigger the GitHub Action, visible under the Actions tab. The process will then either create or update your metrics and metric sources in Statsig based on the repository's semantic definitions. Untitled
Untitled Untitled
This example serves as a basic template. We encourage testing and further development to meet production standards. Please share any feedback or improvements you've made to this workflow to our [support team](mailto:support@statsig.com). Thank you for any contributions!