Walkthrough Guides
Flags vs Experiments


Usually referred to online as feature flags, the Statsig UI and SDKs call them feature gates.


With Statsig, you can create control and test groups, and compare these groups as an A/B test using either a feature flag (gate) or an experiment. If you're wondering when to use a feature flag vs. an experiment, this guide is for you.

What do you need?

In short,

  • Want to measure the impact of a feature (and roll it out gradually)? Use a Feature Gate.
  • Want to test your hypotheses between product variants? Create an Experiment.

What to expect?

As you design your A/B test, here are three further details to consider:

  • A Feature Gate can offer only two variants (feature on vs. feature off); an Experiment can offer multiple variants
    • NOTE that when you look at your Feature Gate exposures you'll see your exposures divided up into three groups- "Pass", "Fail", and "Fail- not in analysis". While all units will be bucketed into either Pass/ Fail, for the purposes of metric lifts analysis, we compare a matching % of your Fail group against your Pass group and do not use the remainder of the Fail group for analysis. You can read more about this "balanced gates" methodology here (opens in a new tab).
  • A Feature Gate exposure check returns a boolean (true/false) to assign the user to either the control or test group; an Experiment exposure check returns a JSON config to help you configure your app experience based on the group that the user is assigned to
  • To ramp up, you will increase the Pass% in a Feature Gate, and increase the Allocation% in an Experiment. In both cases, users in each group will continue to receive their first assigned experience i.e. ramping up Pass% or Allocation% does not resalt (or reshuffle) users.


Other Considerations

Using Experiments

Statsig's Experiments offer more capabilities than Feature Gates for advanced experiment designs. For example, with Experiments you can:

  1. Analyze variants using stable IDs for situations when users have not yet signed-up (or signed-in), or using custom IDs to analyze user groups, pages, sessions, workspaces, cities, and so on
  2. Run multiple isolated experiments concurrently

Using Feature Gates

While Feature Gates are independently useful to measure impact during feature roll outs, you can also use a Feature Gate with targeting rules as a targeting gate within an Experiment. In this case, the targeting gate serves to constrain the target audience of your experiment. The Allocation% of the Experiment selects a share of this eligible target audience for participation in the experiment. The Split% of the Experiment further splits these participating users into different test groups.

Once you make a decision for the Experiment and ship a variant, Statsig lifts the targeting gate constraint and delivers the "winning" variant to all users.